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Introducing Kütahya Province 6

To date, systematic excavations and research in Kütahya, and the number is not much around. Clive Foss on behalf of the British Institute of Archaeology - Kütahya Castle, epigraphy Tomas Drew Bear - Inscriptions, David French - Roman roads and milestones, Istanbul University, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Efe Turan investigated the ancient settlements on the mound and Necropolis. Aizanoi the ancient city of the German Archaeological Institute since 1970, started the systematic excavations and research continue.
 Kutahya province of a study and research work of museum professionals in more than a hundred mounds, tumuli and ancient settlements are discovered and documented, significant archaeological materials found in salvage excavations shed light on the history of the city. Kutahya digs in Central Seyitomer Mound public finds from the Early Bronze period are obtained in a separate Kutahya Archaeology Museum are exhibited in the hall. In 2000, excavations in the village belonging to the Hittite Central Ağızören necropolis (cemetery),

Introducing Kütahya Province 5

3. Kütahya's first establishment site:
Kütahya castle, and the circumference of the first settlement in our province. Germiyanoğulları also used during the excavations in the city center Roman necropolis (cemetery) fields were found. However, important findings having been found in
 the city center for the period between the Phrygians. Kütahya's ancient settlement area is not yet finally determined. When it was established, where it was established, which can not be expressed exactly when and by whom the conquest of Kütahya, a city of secrets.
Archaeological excavations in the Old Locations:

Introducing Kütahya Province 7

archaeological materials were recovered in the field. Extending from the Early Bronze period, Kütahya, which finds the most important center of mass, can be reached in 1977 during the coal extraction process Tavsanli Tuncbilek, and Gevence positions on dye. Early Bronze Age finds are shedding light on the history of settlement centers of the province Seyitomer, Tavsanli - Kayi Village, Altintas - Üçhöyük,
Domanic - Apple, Sımav, Emet and Çavdarhısar regions. Discussed here, except in Western Anatolia Bitynia finds common dish typical of Troy - examples of pottery. Ağızlılar beak, three-legged pots, mugs, except Depas type, Balikesir, Bursa, Kütahya region north of this culture-specific Yortan present in the culture of the efficacy of the container for decoration.
4. Hittite - Phrygian PERIOD:

Introducing Kütahya Province 3

 Hittite texts on the history of the Assuva IV. Tuthaliya (1256-1220 BC) in the annals of BC on the basis of II. can be said that it was established more than a thousand in the mid. Kutahya, today operated in the rich mineral deposits have been so interested in the history of each circuit, so you have had extensive trade routes, developed rapidly.

 Malazgirt Victory XI then. Kutahya Turkish civilizations met at the end of the century, the Ottoman Empire was the capital of Germiyanoglu principality was established on this land. In addition, Kutahya, "the Turkish military and world history" as the place where the biggest victory won has a rich cultural heritage.

Introducing Kütahya Province 2

1. Login:
Department of Central Western Anatolia Region, located in the Aegean Kutahya, in the known history of the Hittite, Phrygian, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman
civilizations Germiyanoğulları and reached the Republic of Turkey. Settled the remaining lands within the boundaries of the province of Kutahya, and the people were the Hittites, the earliest known name. However, archaeological finds, the province surrounding the settlement date back even further, until the first takes ages. Despite the unavailability of a precise date for the establishment of Kütahya;

Introducing Kütahya Province 1


türkiye kütahya
 kütahya resimler,kütahya fotoğraflar,kütahya manzaralar,kütahya video,kütahya spor,kütahya yemekleri,kütahya turizm,kütahya tatil,kütahya konaklama,kütahya otel,kütahya tarihi,kütahya pansiyon,kütahya coğrafya,kütahya iklim,kütahya ulaşım,kütahya haritası,kütahya doğa,kütahya gezi,kütahya kültür,kütahya sanat,kütahya tüm çağlar,kütahya ekonomi,kütahya eğitim,kütahya hastanesi,kütahya sağlık,kütahya lisesi,kütahya seramik,kütahya porselen,kütahya sanayi,kütahya tarım,kütahya ticaret,kütahya emlak,kütahya arsa,kütahya araç,kütahya satılık,kütahya kiralık,kütahya dağları,kütahya ovaları,kütahya akarsuları,kütahya tarım,kütahya hayvancılık

Introducing Kütahya Province 4

2. The names given to CITY:
Old sources, inscriptions, coins, and according to the ancient name of Kütahya "Kotiaeion" stop. Famous ancient geographer Strabo of this name, "Kotys'in City" means the states. Kotys, Odrisler'den living in Thrace, and Romans, AD Anatolia is the name of a commander by 38. The name of a coin in the Museum of Kutahya "cotinine" passes as. Kütahya's name, ever before given by analogy with the Turks.

Introducing Kütahya Province 18

There is a very important place in the National Struggle history of Kütahya. The most important phase of the struggle for independence for the establishment of our Republic have been in our city limits.
I. At the end of World War II, the Allied Powers, on the basis of the provisions of the Armistice Armistice invaded Anatolia. sürükleyenler war against the nation, the hometown of occupations, the concern over their lives, ammunition, falling from the hands of the necessary measures almamışlardı.Ordunun, the Allied Powers occupied various parts of the country başlamışlardır.itilaf navy kinds of occasions in Istanbul, the French, in Adana, British Urfa,

Introducing Kütahya Province 17

As a result of their separatist revolt in Anatolia from the Safavid Şahkulu 1511, spread to Kutahya. Governor of Egypt, Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mohamed Ali Pasha in 1833 and invasion of Kutahya Kutahya Treaty was signed the same year of the period to leave the city with significant events. Equipped with beautiful examples of Ottoman architecture in Kutahya, fountains, bridges, mosques, madrasas, khans and baths have been zoning. Ongoing since the Seljuk tile art in this period has experienced its best period. History of the world under the supervision of the state's first collective bargaining agreement, on July 13, 1766 under the name Fincancılar Trades Agreement was signed in Kütahya.
Refuge in the Ottoman Empire in 1849, the Hungarian Lajos Kossuth and his 56 refugee leader of an independence movement, in the years 1850-1851 have been guests in Kutahya. Lajos Kossuth'un Kütahya became a museum in 1982, remains home.
Jurisdiction of the central province of Kutahya in 1867 Hüdavendigar, 8 October 1923, has been county.

Introducing Kütahya Province 16

Kutahya Tile Museum today, which is among the works Germiyanoglu II. Jacob Complex soup kitchen, which is now the Archaeological Museum with Umur-Thousand Prosecutor Ishak Madrasa Mosque and Madrasa include Fakih. Governor's Office during the construction period Germiyan connects the Great Mosque of Kütahya Bayezid XV. Musa Çelebi Yüzyılıda period has been completed.
8. The Ottoman Period:
1429'da Germiyanoglu II. A banner with the Ottomans, the last testament of Jacob in this period is the center of Kütahya. Suleiman the Magnificent's sons in 1451 in Kütahya, the center of the Anatolian Beylerbeyliği'nin Prince Bayezid (1542-1558) and (Sultan II.) Selim (1558-1566) made the governor.

Introducing Kütahya Province 19

Marash, Samsun and Merzifon; Italians, were in Antalya and Southwestern Anatolia. Allied with the permission of the Greek army was in Izmir on May 15. This is demonstrated throughout the history of the Turkish nation in the face of "the consciousness of the nation" against the occupation in the Nationalist movement launched Kuva-i.
Kütahya National Combat attributed on September 20, 1919. Major Ismail Hakki, Ismet, Captain, Captain Solomon come to Kütahya and Gentlemen Mülazżm Tahsin Kuva-i have set up National Organisation. Mr. Major was elected President Nüzhet military branch of the organization alone. Ismail Hakki Bey created under the command of a detachment of 350 people to leave the British to withdraw from Kütahya, Kütahya, the first success of the national movement.